
Merlot  is a seal point male and is by far the friendliest cat in our home! He was born here on July 28, 2016 and his parent's are now retired.  He is from  my son's cat's very from last litter.  His dad was Nico, a blue point and his mom is MJ, a seal point.  He loves to jump up on our shoulders just like his dad Nico liked to do, and we hear that some of his kittens will do this too.  His eye color is as beautiful and sparkling as his personality!

This is Luna, our youngest cat, she is very sweet and an amazing mom. 
Suki is a beautiful blue-point female who has a sweet personality and is a wonderful mother to her kittens! She is on the left and her daughter  Paris is on the right. I know I can't keep all of the kittens, but Paris is here to stay! Paris and Suki are both spayed and they are inseparable! 
Tula is a seal point female.  She is super friendly and loves to play. Her kittens are awesome, she is a very attentive mom! They are sitting in a favorite spot looking out the window and getting plenty of sun too!